Monday 21 November 2016

Daily Life: Christmas Lights

Sunday the 20th was an exciting day for both Rhys and I. I had planned to go and see the lights being switched on in town as it marks the start of Christmas. I had never been to see this event. Last year I was working and don't ask me what I was doing the previous years. Rhys is old enough to stay up long enough to see these lights being turned on.

The town pulled together and raised enough money to get all brand new lights for this year, as the ones that were up for the last several years were very bad. Some of the decorations were missing bulbs, it took from the entire look. I have to say that the lights are so much better now.

All of this started around half four in the day, there were street vendors, Santa Clause to meet and many other things to do until the lights were turned on at six. Rhys wasn't really interested in any of that, not even to see Santa. He is a little odd sometimes when it comes to meeting people dressed up. It was a very cold day for all of this. In the end we got to see the lights being turned on and got to see some fireworks. It was a nice afternoon with my sister her boyfriend and Rhys. I love making great memories.

What were you up to for the weekend? Let me know in the comments, I would love to hear from you.

Christina xx

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