Wednesday 27 August 2014

How I started blogging

Hey guys. Today I am going to tell you how I became blogging. This question was asked on Twitter on a chat I have read a few and they all have been really inspiring. Mine isn't really. Here is my story.

Back when I was doing YouTube I had seen other beauty gurus having blogs attached to their channel but the info was all the same as I just had seen in the video. Around that time my laptop was slowing going on me and I didn't know how much longer I would have it for. So that is the reason I started blogging. When I started I really hadn't a clue what I was doing. I just went into it with out any research on Blogger. What it was about or anything about it in general.  I was lost to say the least. To anyone surprise I gave it up for about nice months. In that time I was looking around blogger, how it all works and also what other bloggers write about. I really thought about it and decided that I would have an other go at it and try to make it work. I still have a lot to learn but I will get there in time. As the saying goes 'Good things come to those who wait'.

I am very happy what I am doing I don't have loads of money so I can't do loads of reviews but what I blog about I enjoy it and I think that is all that counts.

How did you start blogging? Are you thinking of starting. Let me know in the comments.

If you have a blog leave me your links and I'll check them out.

Thanks for stopping by.

Christina xx

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